
Specialization Struggle

突然收到大學系裡發出的電郵,通知我們學系正計劃明年新增一個名為"Translation with Language Information Technology"的主修,現向學生咨詢意見。

新主修? ( ゜O゜)

Language Information Technology?好像蠻有趣的樣子......要不要轉主修?

"While students need not have computer programming skills to start with, they will probably be required to pass a language information technology proficiency test before they attend some of the courses." <-- language information technology proficiency test? What the hack is that? Well...being an IT journalist, I suppose I should be able to pass that test? whatever (∪o∪)

I'll take Legal Translation next semester anyway, so no need to make up my mind now. Or not? (?^?)っ

本來就已經猶豫不決要選"Language and Law"還是"Translation and Interpretation"當主修好。單就興趣而言,自然傾向唸法律,不過原來貓在唸的這個"Language and Law"以草擬法律文件或法律翻譯為重心,畢業後難道要跑去律師樓當秘書?法律秘書用不著唸碩士吧?又沒有升學的前景,看樣子還是主修翻譯,再選修 Public Law 等法律相關課程比較穩當......

好苦惱啊~~ Language and Law Vs. Translation and Interpretation Vs. Translation with Language Information Technology!!!

是日冷鋒過境,最適合集體燒炭(炭爐火鍋) \(≧▽≦)/

跟一班好友圍着熊熊烈火大杯酒(茶?)大塊肉 ~ 一樂也!



