
Your own worst enemy

Looks like I don't even have to stand up for myself against those false accusations, the hater/attacker did a wonderful job by constantly showing people how unhinged their behavior was.

Now everyone can see it's them that's harassing me, not the other way around. 

Honestly, I didn't even know who the heck she was. I'm sorry, but truth is she's just simply NOT relevant to me. Given that I've never crossed paths with her, it's ridiculous how obsessed she is with me. I mean, don't you have better things to do rather than stalking and harassing me on the internet? Or maybe, actually write something meaningful, like all other writers do?

They set an excellent example of being your own worst enemy. The more incoherent, illogical and hostile accusations she and her accomplices (if any) make, and with those false evidence they provide, the less likely people are gonna believe them, let alone support them.

I hereby reserve the right to bring suits, claims, and actions for any and all causes of action arising from the aforementioned defamation.