
The world is watching


據報,當時 Pasha Lee 正在前線抵抗俄軍,保護受攻擊小區的居民逃生,更將自己的避彈衣贈予小孩😢

根據由日內瓦公約及其第一、二附加議定書和第三附加議定書組成的國際人道法(戰爭法/武裝衝突法),即使兩軍開戰,也不應攻擊平民、醫院及救護車 、醫護人員、人道工作者、記者和核子設施等。


The whole world is watching, and the truth is like the sun, you can shut it out for a time, but it ain't going away.

The Mist

So I was reading "The House of Hades", and it came to the part where Pluto taught Hazel how to summon and control The Mist, a supernatural force that twisted a mortal's sight so he/she saw only the things that a mortal could comprehend, instead of supernatural occurrences - "the dead saw what they believed they would see. So did the living."

Well, I know nothing about The Mist or the dead, but it's totally true for the living!

It's funny how people hear only what they wanna hear. So much so that even when they come to you for advice, knowing that you know best, but once you tell them the truth and they decide that they don't like it, they'd simply refuse to acknowledge your existense altogether.

Well, ignorance is bliss. Not my problem.