昨夜看 Netflix 的紀錄片《The Hatchet Wielding Hitchhiker》,當中有一段訪問曾負責採訪拍攝英雄/殺人犯 Kai 的電視台攝影師 Terry Woods,他的一席話令我相當有感:
"When you look at a story, any story, if you're going to tell a story, you need a villain, you need an unlikely hero, you need an amazing scenario, and you need someone in distress..."
我當下的反應是:Whoa! He's a great storyteller!
Woods 所講的,正是一本精彩小說該有的主要元素,甚至比許多網絡作家還要懂呢!
He knows what makes a good story! Well, of course he does, after all, he's a Pro, and he tells stories in real time using his camera day in day out.
難怪不少作者認為寫作人更應該學習編劇手法和技巧,比寫作教學更能讓人學會如何說故事。不過相對編劇針對文字鋪排,我對電視台攝影師更感興趣:他們透過鏡頭說故事,是如何迅速決定要從哪個角度切入故事、分鏡設計、如何篩選細節,還有甚麼時候要插入 B-Roll(輔助鏡頭)來豐富故事主線的細節,令人物更立體、故事更有層次。