踏入2009年,除了往年許下的 New Year Resolutions,今年多了一點責任、一點債務(供樓嘛!),許多原來的計劃亦隨着往年的重大轉變而被迫中止或作出相應改動,先檢討一下去年的 New Year Resolutions 吧:
New Year Resolutions 2008:
1) Quit procrastinating;<-- something to work on in 2009
2) Better time management;<-- something to work on in 2009
3) Stick to my deadlines;<-- somehow made impossible by the long hours I work
4) Write at regular intervals;<-- thwarted by my job. Even with superb time management, there is no time left to "manage", so how am I supposed to achieve this goal? Really gotta do something about this......
5) Finish refining and renewing all fictions;<-- again, thwarted by my job
6) Enter a new journal entry every day;<-- something to work on in 2009
7) Exercise;<-- somehow made impossible by the long hours I work
8) Eat a healthier diet for the sake of my immune system;<-- failed, something to work on in 2009
9) Travel more;<-- fulfilled in 2008, unlikely in 2009......
10) Renovate my condo.<-- failed, but bought a condo instead, doesn't sound so bad: a new home in the making!!!
1)完成新作 -- 發神經地寫了2萬幾字的大綱,要加把勁動筆寫內容了 ( ̄∇ ̄+) 雖然海嘯後出版社未必願意冒險出新書,但先完成自己的責任再說吧;
2009年的1月1日,貓&貓男相約了地產經紀到新居量度尺寸,好計劃如何佈置和該買哪些家具 -- 新年新開始嘛!煩一點也值得 o(^-^o)(o^-^)o