Maybe I should try harder. I need to commit to something, a course of action......otherwise, I'm so lost that I'll end up heading nowhere, just a waste of time.
Life is short, couldn't afford here it goes:
1) Not afriad of or apologetic for being who I really am;
2) Quit procrastinating;<-- tough
3) Better time management;<-- difficult, but I'll try my best
4) Write at regular intervals;
5) Finish my novel before my contract with the Publisher ends this year;
6) Finish refining and renewing all fictions;<-- it takes time, sure, but not impossible
7) Finish retouching all photos; <-- over 100GB of JPEGs...hmmm...
8) Exercise more;
9) Stop eating like I have bulimia, switch to a healthier diet for the sake of my poor immune system; <-- definitely don't want another lymph node surgery due to unknown infection (T ^ T)
10) Travel more (and enjoy it) o(Φ ಎ Φ)o
Some say that we should aim lower so that we could actually accomplish our NY resolutions, but that's just not me, so, what the hell ╮(╯▽╰)╭
Came down with a cold, sore throat & runny nose on the first day of 2011, what a nice way to start a new year ( ̄∇ ̄+)