有必要特地騰出午飯時間來討論嗎?透過電郵詳列不是更清楚省時嗎?當知道intern R被支使開時,就更覺得太小題大作了一點。
餓着肚子開會,D劈頭第一句竟是:妳也知道這場金融海嘯......妳必須明白 Hong Kong office 現在是 overstaff,我們必須......(下省替黑洞增值的N個方案和工作安排)。
Overstaff?! I've been working 12 - 14 hours a day, 5 days a week, and you tell me that we're overstaff, like I'm sitting there doing nothing?! FINE! Then why don't you just fire me and make life easier for all of us? (ノ `Д´)ノ
I've been working hard enough, more than enough. Life's not just about work, all work and no play is miserable enough, and all work and no dream is pathetic! I still have dreams, unlike some, and I'm not about to give up on that. Sadly, this job leaves me scarcely little time to rest, not to mention any for writing. And I didn't sign up for making cold calls, remember? So if you think I'm not delivering enough value to the company, fine, sack me, I don't give a shit.(ノ `Д´)ノ
Okay, enough ranting and raving.
太好了,Betty仔平安抵港。雖然 Bangalore 不是恐佈襲擊的核心地帶,但此際人在印度還真叫人擔心 (..。)
摯友聚舊,聊多久也不夠,相約待 Betty仔的工作穩定下來後定期午餐飯聚,繼續我們說不完的話題 o(^-^o)(o^-^)o