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Current books on the nightstand (2007)
Book title: Streams of Silver
Author: R.A. Salvatore
Status: In progress
Better than the 1st book, way to go Drizzt!
Book title: The Crystal Shard
Author: R.A. Salvatore
Status: Finished
Reading this right after "The Dark Elf Trilogy", one could definitely see that Salvatore has come a long way. Can't wait to read more about Drizzt's adventures after coming to the surface world.
Book title: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Author: J. K. Rowling
Status: Finished
Much better than the 2 preceding books, yet I still think that many casualties were pointless, but a good read anyway.
Book title: The Dark Elf Trilogy Part 3 -- Sojourn
Author: R. A. Salvatore
Status: Finished
Drizzt got the best mentor and companion one could ever ask for, though it left him more miserable when the blind ranger was no more, but it's for Montolio that Drizzt decided to set out and find his own place in the world -- The Icewind Dale.
Book title: The Dark Elf Trilogy Part 2 -- Exile
Author: R.A. Salvatore
Status: Finished
In Part 2, we get a closer look at Drizzt's darker side, his conflicting emotions and his unbearable loneliness. It's such a relief that he made friends with Belwar and Clacker, though he's forced to exile to the surface world alone in the end.
Book title: The Dark Elf Trilogy Part 1 -- Homeland
Author: R.A. Salvatore
Status: Finished
This book gave me a brand new idea of elf's dark skin kin, drow, and of the Underdark. One couldn't help but feel for Drizzt's tragic fate (I suspect there're more implicit analogies between drow's way and capitalism though, no doubt the author is for communism).
Book title: The Reporter Who Made Himself King
Author: Davis, Richard Harding
Status: Finished
Interesting to begin with, but the ending? Just don't expect too much.
Book title: Eragon
Author: Christopher Paolini
Status: Finished
Paolini's "adaptation" approach could be irritating sometimes. How could he shamelessly "adapt" Le Guin's magic system (magic=ancient language) to his own book?!(he needs a writer's bootcamp!) Nonetheless, I like the story, Eragon and Saphira.
Book title: Eldest
Author: Christopher Paolini
Status: Finished
Paolini really needs to polish his writing skills, the lengthened paragraphs get so boring that I have to keep skipping them (without missing anything important!), and I could totally tell what would happen next, which is a bad thing for a fantasy writer.
Book title: ひとりぐらしも5年め
Author: 高木直子
Status: In progress
Book title: The Five People You Meet in Heaven
Author: Mitch Albom
Status: Finished
Innovative idea, but not as inspiring as "Tuesdays with Morrie", still, what can I say? Albom is one of my fave authors.
Book title: Why Men Don't Listen and Women Can't Read Maps
Author: Allan Pease, Barbara Pease
Status: Finished
Intriguing studies
Book title: 1リットルの涙
Author: 木藤亜也
Status: In progress
A tough task for my limited Japanese (..。)
Book title: Left Behind Book12 -- Glorious Appearing
Author: Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins
Status: Finished
It doesn't matter if you're Christian or not, it's inspiring in a way that you'd never look at the world and future in the same way. One of my fav fiction series.
Book title: The Last Battle
Author: C. S. Lewis
Status: e-read for the 15th time
How could I be so blind that I failed to see the reminiscences of the Bible between lines?? For the first time, I read this book from a total different point of view, and it opened to me a brand new horizon.
Book title: The Silver Chair
Author: C. S. Lewis
Status: re-read for the 15th time
Going to re-read it for the 16th time next year, definitely.
Book title: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
Author: C. S. Lewis
Status: re-read for the 15th time
Still find it fascinating after reading it for the 15th time! Lewis' imagination has no limits!
Book title: Unstolen
Author: Wendy Jean
Status: In progress
Fascinating in a sad way.