

入伙2星期,kuro 總算開始適應新居了。

還記得搬屋當晚 kuro 嚇得瞳孔放大,只管往浴室裡躲,面了一整晚的壁,說甚麼也不肯出來,非要到睡覺時才肯跟着貓往房裡去,一個躍身鑽進被單裡窩起來 ( ̄∇ ̄+)

雖然過去一星期 kuro 最喜歡的地方非被窩和床下底莫屬,不過沙發的枕手和靠背也成為了她的新"領土"






2 則留言:

  1. Dear Catabell,

    I have been your reader since 2000. It has been about 10 years and I bought all of your publications.

    I am going to get married and I am (will be as well) living in Cheung Sha Wan. If I do not remember wrongly, it seems that you live in the same district too. (by reading your diary entries)

    I have bought a flat at the same district. haha,it will be a coincidence if your new flat is located nearby.

    Although I haven't met you, I always feel that you are a very intimate writer, and we share something in common. (I studied English as well when I was in the university)

    Really hope that you can see my words ~

    With all my blessing to you!

    Penny meow meow

  2. Dear Penny meow meow,

    You've left me messages before, the same Penny who majored in English, right?

    Congrats!!! I'm really happy for you! Wish you and your husband joy and happiness =) Where will you spend your honeymoon?

    Yes, I've been living in CSW for quite some time now, and my new condo is just a few blocks away, we could be neighbours!
