
Lost in LA@Day 3

下午轉乘內陸機前往 Seattle,準備參觀微軟的大本營。

我們乘上午難得的空檔組成敗家團,由M駕車帶我們到最近的 outlet「掃貨」(1小時車程) о(ж>▽<)y

每到外地公幹,總起得比平日早,這天還能趕及欣賞日出呢( ̄∇ ̄+)


敗家團為能盡早開始敗家,不惜早起(outlet 10am開始營業,是以我們準時9am出發!)兼放棄豐富的酒店自助早餐,情願到 outlet 的 food court 隨隨便便地快餐一個(‐^▽^‐)

Chocolate Factory的古力好精緻好吸引啊(星星眼),要不是份量大得驚人,貓鐵定會買來嚐嚐的


敗家第一站:Abercrombie & Fitch

眼花繚亂,到拿定主意買哪一件,打算往櫃台付款時,發現其他敗家成員早已溜光光( ̄∇ ̄+)

Abercrombie & Fitch 外套 + 小背心
Tommy Hilfiger T-恤
Fossil Chrono 腕錶
Gap T-恤 (給貓男買的)
Converse 情侶裝 T-恤 x2

血拼至最後一分鐘,在高速公路上拐錯兩次彎後,終於及時且安全地抵達機場。可恨大會安排的 pickup service 服務太差太不負責任,害我們在飢寒交迫的狀態下呆等了一個半小時。待 check-in 完畢,酒店的食店早已關門( ̄□ ̄; )!!!!幸而熱心的服務員親自帶我們到附近一家蠻不錯的酒吧,吃了一頓不算豐富,但十分鮮味的海鮮晚餐~疲れた~


>> Go to my Day 3@ Los Angeles Album <<

2 則留言:

  1. they were probably just checking your id to see that you are actually over legal drinking age because you are entering a pub?

    and those are not apple-sized chocolate, they are chocolate-covered apples ^^ or caramel apples i think? never tried one before tho (altho i have been here for, what, 12 years now?) cuz they look tooooo sweet

  2. yup...they asked my ID for that reason, though I had no intent of ordering any alcoholic beverage whatsoever.

    oh, those are chocolate-covered apples, now it makes sense. They're cover in all kinds of chocolate...even m&m's! The thought of trying one never occurred to me though, for I wouldn't be able to finish 1/3 of it anyway, but the display was tempting regardless.
