

會議完畢已8pm......可幸是客戶的辦公室位於油麻地近旺角位置,於是相約貓男到旺角晚飯晚飯 o(^-^o)(o^-^)o

抵達朗豪坊,漫無目的地閒逛,視線無意中接觸到兔兔造型的背包,喜歡得不得了,在鏡前左照照右照照,喜歡啊,卻又擔心會不會太幼稚?內心掙扎一輪,還是待貓男來到後再作決定吧 (..。)

原來紙牌奧運村在貓生日當天「落成」,雙重意義啊!happy~(雖然貓並不熱衷奧運,卻十二分欽佩紙牌建築師 Bryan Berg 的鬼斧神工)

兔兔背包造型獨特,兔耳是柔滑的粉紅毛毛~就連貓男&二少兩個大男生也大讚可愛 о(ж>▽<)y

特別欣賞它的 detail 位:蘿蔔拉鍊扣為這個兔兔背包加了不少分 o(^-^o)(o^-^)o

To Usagi: 我們都說,喜歡兔子的你見到那個兔兔背包想必會亮起星星眼 о(>▽<)о

2 則留言:

  1. you are right... i want one too!!!! joyce told me you bought a toutou bag, but didn't know it's this cuteeeeee...>__<

  2. They got shark backpack (which is way cool), panda bowling bag, cat handbag (I totally would have bought it if it was half as cute), and dog clutch bag, but only the rabbit ones got carrot zipper.

    It's definitely one of my best buy of the year XD
